Human Rights and
International Democratic Solidarity


Monitoring of democratic governance


Presentation of the BTI 2024 at universities

From September 16 to 19, Hauke Hartmann, Senior Editor of the Bertelsmann Transformation Index (BTI), presented the 2024 edition at four universities.

The presentations took place at Universidad Católica Argentina, UCEMA, University of Bologna and University of San Andrés.

Presentación del BTI 2024 en las universidades

On Monday, September 16, Hartmann presented the BTI to students of the Comparative Politics course of the Political Science and International Relations programs of the Universidad Católica Argentina (UCA).

Presentación del BTI 2024 en las universidades

On Tuesday 17, the editor of the BTI gave a presentation to students of International Relations at UCEMA.

Presentación del BTI 2024 en las universidades

On Wednesday 18, Hartmann participated in an event at the University of Bologna, where he presented the BTI, highlighting the performance of Latin American countries.

Presentación del BTI 2024 en las universidades

On Thursday 19, Hauke Hartmann gave a presentation to students at the University of San Andrés.

  • Presentación del BTI 2024 en las universidades
  • Presentación del BTI 2024 en las universidades
  • Presentación del BTI 2024 en las universidades
  • Presentación del BTI 2024 en las universidades

CADAL would like to thank professors Lourdes Puente and Sonia Ramella (UCA), Lisette Kugler and Sybil Rhodes (UCEMA), Nicolás Cherny, Marcos Novaro and Loris Zanatta (UNIBO) and Andrea Oelsner and Federico Merke (UDESA) for their collaboration and interest in presenting the BTI to their students.


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