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With the support of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation, the awarded students traveled from Salta to Buenos Aires to attend the closing ceremony of the 2024 Goodbye Lenin Program.
The laureated students received the Milada Horáková Award in form of a certificate and a picture of the Czech heroine painted by Martín Dinatale, which were presented to the students by Filip Kanda, Deputy Chief of Mission of the Embassy of the Czech Republic in Argentina; Sybil Rhodes, president of CADAL; and Sebastián Aëbert, Project Coordinator of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation.
The students from Salta who received the Milada Horáková Award also met with H.E. Jarmila Povejšilová, Ambassador of the Czech Republic in Argentina. Afterwards, they had lunch at the German Club with historian Ricardo López Göttig, professor of the Goodbye Lenin webinar and author of the book “Milada Horáková: Defensora de los Derechos Humanos y víctima de los totalitarismos” (“Milada Horáková: Defender of Human Rights and Victim of Totalitarianism”). And finally, they visited the ESMA Memory Site Museum.
Testimony of Clara Wolmy, one of the students who received the Milada Horáková Award for having participated in the Goodbye Lenin webinar and competed with the text ¿Es Turkmenistán un caso perdido en la transición democrática? (Is Turkmenistan a lost case of democratic transition?).
Testimony of Agustín Molina Tilián, the other student who received the Milada Horáková Award for having participated in the Goodbye Lenin webinar and competed with the text Teodoro Obiang: 45 años de autoritarismo ininterrumpido en Guinea Ecuatorial (Teodoro Obiang: 45 years of uninterrupted authoritarianism in Equatorial Guinea).
After the Award Ceremony, Filip Kanda, Deputy Head of Mission of the Embassy of the Czech Republic in Argentina, referred to the Gratias Agit Award granted to Gabriel Salvia, General Director of CADAL, by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic.
Before the ceremony, which took place at the German Club, an interview with David Mrnka, director of the film “Milada”, was projected, which had been conducted within the interview series “Cuarto de Hora” hosted by journalist Jorge Elías on CADALTV. Milada Horáková was sent to a concentration camp by the Nazis, which she managed to survive, but in 1950 she was executed for her opposition to the communist dictatorship.